Daily Greens Plus
$40.50 per container (30 scoops)
Energize your morning – or break through an afternoon slump – with the power of Daily Greens Plus.*
Complement your day with 28 powerhouse ingredients that promote physical endurance, cognitive performance, and cellular energy production, while also providing antioxidants, so you can feel vibrant today and for years to come.
With a comprehensive approach to foundational nutrition, with the added focus of supporting healthy aging.* This unique greens powder formula combines the highest-quality sources of green nutrition with adaptogens that support a healthy stress response and adrenal function, as well as antioxidant blend that boosts the body’s defenses against oxidative damage and a mushroom blend that promotes optimal immune function.
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We’re more than happy to offer advice, context, recommendations, and anything else you need to elevate your game. Don’t hesitate– we can guide you accordingly